A page on the second use case of the Alpha Demo

For our second alpha demo use case, we will focus on accessing an already made container. This shows how a scientist would find a model someone else made and view it themselves and avoid having to install many dependencies.

1. Find an existing model they would like to access on Docker Hub

For this demo we are going to access the LMRt model that we created in the previous use case. The link can be found here

2. Download the model

Use the presto download command to download the LMRt container.

presto download fossilizedcontainers/lmrt-demo

3 + 4. Run the model

3 + 4.1 Prerequisites

Download the following metadata and input files before running the container:

alpha@demo:~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FossilizedContainers/fossilized-controller/trunk/LMRt-example/configs.yml
alpha@demo:~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FossilizedContainers/fossilized-controller/trunk/LMRt-example/metadata.json

We are now ready to run our container using our presto run <image name> command. After the model finishes you should receive a zip file that has the output files from the model.

In a separate terminal you can run docker logs --follow $(docker ps -q) after you run the below command to follow what is happening inside of the container in real time.

presto run lmrt-demo
alpha@demo:~/.../client$ presto run lmrt-demo
Running the container...
{'Status': 'running', 'Running': True, 'Paused': False, 'Restarting': False, 'OOMKilled': False, 'Dead': False, 'Pid': 86211,
'ExitCode': 0, 'Error': '', 'StartedAt': '2022-03-11T00:58:10.323020527Z', 'FinishedAt': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'}
Output files successfully saved at ./response_data.zip

5. Receive and view output files

When you check your files you should see a new zip archive response_data.zip. You can then unzip the archive and view your output files.

6. Stop and clean out the resulting container

6.1 Display all containers

Run presto display to get the name of your container:

alpha@demo:~/.../client$ presto display
List of containers:
Container Name:/interesting_tereshkova       Container Image:['alpha-demo:latest']

6.2 Stop a container

Copy the name (without the /) and run presto stop

alpha@demo:~/.../client$ presto stop interesting_tereshkova
The container was successfully stopped

6.3 Delete stopped containers

Now clean up any stopped container using presto clean

alpha@demo:~/.../client$ presto clean
All stopped containers have been deleted!
{'ContainersDeleted': ['a81ccead7aca5be0b961a69a9154c0d748ddf228808136e9a89d3f951ba8fac2', 'aaa7cf38c9142af216a5bb39f50fa9398e65df1f96e6a96b25d92121d3195cbf', 'efb7f7cdc63371c71fe967f60821b3353705e0535dc1aaf07a8b76e4a3ea6bd6', '6161f111c4509aa6eaf63d1b814b28690b7e7c9cd0ee24b227c975c6c4920f5a', '57aa0c510fb93583f1436845c00ccaffe57d2889db095dc48a9a069b04379818', '7b4dbfea4f7ce5d0218884e50b32123e4a1b75fbbcae4604e453ffdc8565701d'], 'SpaceReclaimed': 3122163131}
Tags: demo