We are creating a tool to help scientists containerize their code.


  • Python
  • Pip
  • Docker

Make sure you have the latest versions of each installed before using our tool

Creating a Container

Follow the instructions below for a quick introduction of our tool.

1. Download our tool

The direct link for the tool can be found here. If you are using a Linux distribution then you can run the following command

wget https://github.com/FossilizedContainers/tech-demo/raw/master/presto/dist/presto-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl

2. Install the tool through pip

pip install presto-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl

3. Run the tool’s Dockerfile creation

presto create

From there you will be prompted for the OS you would like to use. For this example you can use alpine Afterwards will be a prompt asking for what message you would like to display. For this example you can use Hello World!

This will show the Dockerfile

FROM alpine
CMD ["echo", "Hello World!"]

4. Download or create the Dockerfile

You can either copy and paste the example Dockerfile from above into a new file named Dockerfile or you can download it from our Github

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FossilizedContainers/tech-demo/master/C4/Dockerfile

5. Run the presto run command

presto run

You should see the following output of your container running

Building image from Dockerfile...

Finished building image...

Running the container...

Hello World!

6. Clean up your containers

You can run the following command to stop and delete the container you just built.

presto clean